Improvement of potency even after 60 years. The Association of national andrologists has found a new effective method to restore male potency.

Studies have shown that this product is 3 to 4 times more effective than Viagra

We will tell you in the article how you can get this product in Kenya.

Spring an absolutely amazing event happened at the annual congress of European andrologists and sexologists, the whole room applauded the scientist on the stage for 10 minutes. That scientist was Safari Jang, one of the best national urologists. It was he, together with a group of scientists, who created a unique product that completely eliminates the problems of male potency caused by luteinizing and follicular growth of hormones produced by the pituitary gland.

Safari Jang, a Kenyan urological surgeon, professor of medicine and inventor of a unique product to restore potency, died immediately after his discovery in .

The scientist, due to his sudden death, could not start the production of the product. His followers did so only two years later. The new product underwent the necessary clinical trials, and the results again proved high efficacy. He helped 96 out of 100 men to fully restore their potency, even at an advanced age.

Since it is a locally produced product, the Association of Kenyan Andrologists has decided to distribute it in pharmacies at a reduced price and without special charges. All men can get this product at a reduced price.

By the age of 40, 73% of men become impotent

Subsequently, they run the risk of decreased potency. Over the past decade, doctors have warned us that male potency problems are becoming more frequent. Everyone knows the reasons for the increasing weakening of sexual activity: sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, poor diet, poor ecological conditions, etc.

However, few people think about the problems that may arise in a man's life in his sex life.

Due to prolonged lack of potency, limescale deposits form in the veins of the penis, which eventually leads to the development of complete impotence.

Stages and consequences of impotence

Stage 1. Accidental problems with potency, such as after drinking alcohol or "suddenly" this happened to me. Sometimes "you just don't feel like having sex." Most people attribute it to hard work, stress and other conditions. However, this is the first sign that the situation will worsen over time.

Stage 2. Common problems with potency. Even if you have an erection, it is no longer as hard as before. The penis goes down during intercourse or when a condom is put on. This usually happens when men start thinking about the problem, but their actions are sometimes limited to taking Viagra.

Stage 3. The potency works only occasionally. Libido drops dramatically. The man becomes irritable, the will to act and desire disappear. Family problems begin: quarrels are frequent in the family, female infidelity, everything can lead to divorce.

Stage 4. Total impotence. Not even Viagra helps. 91% of men at this stage feel lonely - women rarely lack desire, and if so, they only suffer in the relationship. Depression develops in the same way as various physical diseases. Our body is designed to have the basic function of reproduction, once this function is lost, the body deteriorates very quickly.

In the absence of an erection for a long period of time, the blood supply to the pelvic organs slows down, which leads to the development of many dangerous diseases.

Archives of the Institute of Urology Research of Nairobi. There is a personal tragedy behind every record. This is not for the faint of heart.

- A 48-year-old man with prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common cause of death (up to 88%) among men with impotence. It occurs due to the lack of normal blood flow to the pelvic organs and the accumulation of pus deposits in the prostate gland itself.

- Gangrene of the male penis (dead), 44 years old, due to prolonged loss of potency. He had to be operated on urgently, but they could not stop the sepsis, the man died.

- Kidney stones. Kidney stone disease is also associated with impaired blood supply to the pelvic organs. This is a very painful disease, which often requires urgent surgical intervention to remove stones or the kidney itself.

Because potency can be eliminated, many men try to find a solution as soon as there are problems with erection. However, until recently, it was impossible to fully restore its potential: existing drugs (such as Viagra) improved it, but only for a certain period.

This unique product, created by Kenyan scientists led by Safari Jang, helps to fully restore the natural male potency, it is something that works by itself (as in healthy men) without the need to take stimulants.

We have asked Professor Faraji Mbanefo, MD, Head of the Urology Department, to tell us about a new product called Longjack XXXL.

It was the most difficult, but necessary, development of the Scientific Research Institute of Urology of Colombia.

Faraji Mbanefo explains why the power is weakened and how to recover it.

- Faraji, can you explain to us why the potency decreases and how to stop this process?

Look, the main task of every man is to produce offspring. Our body is designed to perform this task and without errors. Every man, figuratively speaking, has three periods. When he is at the onset of sexual development, when he can produce offspring and a period of calmness. The period in which we are is determined by the level of testosterone in the blood. This maximum level falls on the "reproductive" period - more than 11 nmol / L. With age (after 45 years), the man passes into the third stage. This is done under normal circumstances; in fact it is a natural process.

However, the modern lifestyle, that is, the fact that modern men move very little, has caused testosterone levels to begin to drop abnormally much earlier than in the past. After the age of 30, 93% of the men surveyed had an average level of 5 nmol/L - half the normal level! Of course, this entails problems with potency, and, of course, diseases caused by a lack of normal pelvic blood flow appear much earlier.

- How can Longjack XXXL help men?

- It is important to understand that Longjack XXXL is not a stimulant. Its purpose is to activate the production of testosterone in the body and not abnormally or harmful to the circulatory system by dilating the lumbar vessels, like Viagra and other chemicals

The active ingredients of Longjack XXXL promote the active production of luteinizing and follicle-forming hormones, which in turn has effect on the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland increases the production of the hormone testosterone.

Longjack XXXL has a complex effect on the body. I do not want to tell in detail about the chemical reactions of the organism, since few people will understand it. I just want to note that Longjack XXXL enhances erection immediately after its consumption and helps to restore the work of the pituitary gland, thereby restoring the natural potential that appears by itself without medication. This includes men between the ages of 50 and 60. With Longjack XXXL, it is possible to have a stable potency even in old age.

Testosterone itself is extremely useful for men because its absence leads to aging of the body and the development of various diseases. In the West, testosterone is only prescribed to men over the age of 50.

The production of testosterone is carried out by Leydig cells under the "signal" of the pituitary gland, which is the target of a new product, called Longjack XXXL.

- Normalizing testosterone production is a very simple solution, right? Has anyone thought of that?

The solution is very simple. However, it is not easy to fulfill it. The active substance of the drug developed by Safari Jang has an indirect effect on the pituitary gland. What should I tell my doctor before trying this product? Currently, Longjack XXXL is the only effective cure for male sexual impotence. Viagra doesn't even come close. It is also important to note that Longjack XXXL has no side effects. None. This is also a significant advantage over products containing sildenafil.

- Have you conducted any clinical trials on Longjack XXXL? What have they shown?

- Clinical trials have been conducted on several occasions. And each time, they achieved amazing results.

I will show you the results of the most recent clinical trial conducted in autumn 2020 at the National Scientific Center for Urology. In total, about 200 men with varying degrees of potency participated.

In addition, the website of the Urological Research Institute conducted a survey among men who had tried the Longjack XXXL treatment for seven months. The only question, "Has Longjack XXXL helped you fight impotence?" - 5,478 men have already voted. You can view the results of the survey.

- Is it true that, with the current program, anyone can order Longjack XXXL at a reduced price?

- Yes, it is. Now the Scientific Research Institute of Urology and the Association of Kenyan Andrologists sell Longjack XXXL at a reduced price within the National men's health program.

In my opinion, this is a very important and useful initiative, since potency problems are becoming more frequent among men and often ruin families and men's health. I believe that this product saves families and reduces the number of affected men who use stimulant products such as Viagra, and that they do more harm than good.

- How can I get the product at a reduced price? What do I have to do?

  • 1. It is necessary to reside in Kenya;
  • 2. Participate in a lottery to get a discount on the product;
  • 3. After 1-3 days (delivery time) you will receive a parcel by courier.

All right, listen up. PERFECT DATE OF APPLICATION FOR Longjack XXXL - . Otherwise, the product can only be purchased at market price!

If you want to try a new potency recovery product, hurry up and participate in a lottery.

All right, listen up.

Visitors of our website have an exclusive opportunity to place orders. Longjack XXXL at up to 50% discount. To do this, start the Fortune's wheel by clicking on the "Spin" button and wait for it to stop completely. Who knows, maybe you will be the lucky one who can save a lot of money today. Good luck.

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Thank you. This is interesting. I was starting to worry more and more about my potency problems. I've already ordered it. I hope it's helpful.


I am one of those people who has already ordered Longjack XXXL, and I have tried it. It's really worked. Potency appears literally 10 minutes after taking it. But what I liked the most was that it was cumulative. This means that the more it is taken, the better you feel. The morning erection is restored and that's great. I haven't had that in a long time. In conclusion, I recommend everyone to try it. Especially at a reduced price.


I have experience using Longjack XXXL. Sex came back into my life:)


I have to order this for my husband. I can count on the fingers of one hand the times we've had sex in the last two years. I don't know what to do anymore. Even if he's only 49. I know many men of this age who are still very active.


I bought it yesterday. I decided to take a treatment. A friend of mine who is a urologist recommended it to me.


I have read a lot about this product on the web. It's impressive.


I confirm everything. Longjack XXXL is a great product. I had potency problems for three years. I rarely had an erection and my wife wanted to file for divorce. But it was finally fixed and my potency was completely restored. Now it's OK, and whenever it's necessary!


I had Longjack XXXL treatment last month. My potency is fully restored. The product helped me a lot. I tried a lot of things before, but the result was null.


Thank you. I once watched a program about men's health. They were talking about this product. A lot of urologists recommended it.


Just ordered! Thank you.


I ordered the product. The delivery is so fast. And there is a great discount, so why don't you try it? The price of Viagra in our pharmacies is very high.


Thanks for the link. My husband was really tormented by the fact that he could not satisfy me. That's why he lost his self-esteem and became a whiner. I love my husband so much that I am willing to give my life for him. But I don't know how to help him. So I ordered Longjack XXXL. Now I have hope.


I said goodbye to erectile dysfunction after three weeks of using this product. I recommend it to everyone. The only product that really helps.


I ordered it for my husband. Hopefully it helps.

Order Longjack XXXL at 50% discount!